Wednesday, January 14, 2009

live in the moment.....

.. all this talk about the world coming to an end in 2012 made me realize a few things about my life and thanx to Stacy<3 i know that i really need to enjoy myself.. i don't need a boyfriend or the pressure of having a family to show that I've lived my life to the fullest... So for now on I'm not going to stress things, even thou i haven't in awhile, and just live in the now.. hahaha break out of that shell it's 2009

well today Stacy and i headed to the city to check out that radical bookstore I've been talking about and she loved it.. we got some cool reading materials and just chilled before i had to go to work..... even thou it was freezing outside that apple cinnamon spice tea warmed us up and made us even mellower after hitting her bowl.... great times.. i really enjoy Stacy's friendship she is straight forward and says what she feels and i appreciate that i have friends like that.. no bullshit or drama..

well I'm going to read that Franz Kafka book i picked up today and possibly read the rest of After Dark by Haruki Murakami, who has become my one of my favorite authors.......

it's funny how life works....

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