Saturday, January 17, 2009


when i woke up today I felt a little surreal.. like i was here but not really here..... I've been sitting here in front of this computer for awhile now.. not wanting to get myself ready to face the world so i just decided to read my horoscope and it summed up everything and told me i need to get my ass away from this computer and do what i need to do today.. if that isn't motivation then what

"We aren't very practical today as the airy Libra Moon harmonizes with spiritual Neptune, lifting our thoughts into the cosmos. Rational Mercury creates tension with electric Uranus, speeding up our mental process and making it hard to grab on to anything specific. Later we have an opportunity to reestablish our center as a Sun-Moon square can provoke a minor crisis that pits the drive of the Capricorn Sun against the Libra Moon's need for balance.Floating along in the meandering stream of your feelings sounds idyllic today, but every time you start to get comfortable, erratic thoughts wake you from your reverie. As the day progresses, you become aware that the real events in your daily life must take precedence over your fantasies. It's not easy to bring yourself back down to earth, yet this is exactly what is currently needed."

Stop floating around yourself and do something productive

Stay Warm friends<3!..................

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