Sunday, March 1, 2009

such a fool....

I've just deleted my blog on accident...haha so sad my whole life is gone in a flash.. interesting.. it really makes you think.. well i guess it's time for a change you know out with the old and in with the new.. today is going to be a new day<3!....embrace it.....

Bob Marley was right if you inject the world with music this world would be a peaceful place...right on<3!.... there is so much music in the world and i want to taste and feel every last minute of it...Algernon Cadwallader takes over my life.... you could build a sunset out of sticks and break my heart with it....


  1. wow, thats unfortunately. At least you are looking on the brighter side though which is nice.

  2. thats what you have to do sometimes in life.. let go<3!....

    can't wait to chill<3!
